WTF Wednesday: Communification
This week’s WTF Wednesday submission comes from photographer David Ingram, who took this lovely photo of me in front of Mr. Weenie’s artwork a few weeks ago. He also took the first two photos you see below. Here we have signage that’s goal isn’t to be beautiful, but rather to inform. It is exactly halfway successful.

Yes, I'd like to buy a vowel. No, not that one... Apparently this adult bookstore is looking out for our military's best interest.

Yes, I'm bilingual. I can read forwards AND backwards. I'm so good, I don't even need all the letters to be present.
The photo below is by an unknown photographer, but apparently he has the same passion for graphic design that I do.
So that’s all for this edition of WTF Wednesday. Feel free to send me your photos for future posts. Now, go out there and make things pretty!